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selected research publications

Keddy P.A., CAMPBELL, D. 2020. The Twin Limit Marsh Model: a non-equilibrium approach to predicting marsh vegetation on shorelines and floodplains. Wetlands 40: 667-680.


Asemaninejad, A., Munford, K., Watmough, S., CAMPBELL, D., Glasauer, S., Basiliko, N., Mykytczuk, N. 2020. Structure of microbial communities in amended and unamended acid-generating mine wastes along gradients of soil amelioration and revegetation. Applied Soil Ecology 155.



​Lefebvre-Ruel, S., Jutras, S., CAMPBELL, D., Rochefort, L. 2019. Ecohydrological gradients and their restoration on the periphery of extracted peatlands. Restoration Ecology 27: 782-792.


Lavallee, A., CAMPBELL, D. 2019. Effects of simulated treated domestic wastewater on Sphagnum productivity, decomposition and nutrient dynamics in a subarctic ladder fen. Wetlands 39: 29-38.


Rantala-Sykes, B., CAMPBELL, D. 2019. Should I pick that? A scoring tool to prioritize and valuate native wild seed for restoration. Restoration Ecology 27: 9-14.


Rantala-Sykes, B., CAMPBELL, D. 2018. Can fertilizers increase the seed yield of two native herb species in the subarctic? Implications for wild seed collection. Ecological Restoration 36: 169-171.


Rantala-Sykes, B., CAMPBELL, D. 2017. Collecting seed from wild plants in northeastern Ontario.


CAMPBELL, D., Stewart, K., Spiers, G., Beckett, P. 2017. Growth and metal uptake of canola and sunflower along a thickness gradient of organic-rich covers over metal mine tailings. Ecological Engineering 109:133-139.


CAMPBELL, D., Keddy, P. A., Broussard, M., McFalls-Smith, T.B. 2016. Small changes in flooding have large consequences: experimental data from ten wetland plants. Wetlands 36: 457-466.


CAMPBELL, D., Polster, D., Rochefort, L., Powter, C. 2016. Reclamation, rehabilitation, restoration and remediation in Canada: a search for common ground. Canadian Reclamation 16(1): 22-27.


Santala, K., Monet, S., McCaffrey, T., CAMPBELL, D., Beckett, P., Ryser, P. 2016. Restoring plant biodiversity to smelter disturbed forests using understory turf transplants. Restoration Ecology 24: 346–353.


CAMPBELL, D., Corson, A. 2014. Can mulch and fertilizer alone rehabilitate surface-disturbed subarctic peatlands? Ecological Restoration 32:153-160.


Corson, A., CAMPBELL, D. 2013. Testing protocols to restore disturbed Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in the Hudson Bay Lowland. Wetlands 33: 291-299.


CAMPBELL, D., Bergeron, J. 2012. Natural revegetation of winter roads on peatlands in the Hudson Bay Lowland, Canada. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. 44:155-163.


McFalls, T. B., Keddy, P.A., CAMPBELL, D., Shaffer, G. 2010. Hurricanes, floods, levees, and nutria: Vegetation responses to interacting disturbance and fertility regimes with implications for coastal wetland restoration. Journal of Coastal Research. 26: 901-911.


Keddy, P. A., Fraser, L. H., Solomeshch, A. I., Junk, W. J., CAMPBELL, D. R., Arroyo, M. T. K., Alho, C.J. R. 2009. Wet and wonderful: The World’s largest wetlands are conservation priorities. BioScience 59: 39-51.


Geho, E. M., CAMPBELL, D., Keddy, P. A. 2007. Quantifying ecological filters: the relative impact of herbivory, neighbours, and sediment on an oligohaline marsh. Oikos 116: 1006-1016.


Keddy, P. A., D. CAMPBELL, T. McFalls, G. P. Shaffer, R. Moreau, C. Dranguet, and R. Heleniak. 2007. The wetlands of Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas: Past, present and future. Environmental Reviews 15:43-77.


CAMPBELL, D. 2005. The Congo River Basin. pp. 149-165 in World’s Largest Wetlands. Keddy, P., Fraser, L. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


CAMPBELL, D. R., Rochefort, L. 2003. Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands. Plant Ecology 169: 71-84.


CAMPBELL, D. R., Rochefort, L., Lavoie, C. 2003. Determining the immigration potential of plants colonizing disturbed environments: the case of milled peatlands in Québec. Journal of Applied Ecology 40: 78-91.


CAMPBELL, D. R., Lavoie, C., Rochefort, L. 2002. Surface stability and wind erosion in abandoned milled peatlands. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 82: 85-95.

©2021 by Daniel Campbell

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