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mine site soils and revegetation

I provide expert opinion and I design studies to optimize reclamation soil systems and revegetation strategies for mine sites in Canada.  Soils are the key.

Natural ecosystems are increasingly being targeted after mine closure. Providing suitable soils and microtopographic conditions encourages many plants to establish naturally.

It is best  to start planning for suitable soils and revegetation early, even before mining begins.

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Man-made soils or technosols can be developed in the lab and in the field to best emulate natural soils. Local materials can often be used to minimize the importation of costly amendments.    

Melissa and Andrea building plots.jpg

Alternatively, mine sites can be reclaimed to novel ecosystems, as in this experiment with compost covers over metal mine tailings, planted with strips of canola and sunflower to use for biofuels.


©2021 by Daniel Campbell

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